How My Post-Election Anguish Transformed Into A Grounded Calm: Winter is coming, America
The Costly Financial Illiteracy Of Fox News Consumers: A financial planner’s view of the dangers of misinformation
I Recognized The Love On Gus Walz’s Face: My parents instilled in me that wealth cannot be accounted for on a balance sheet but through the power of unconditional love
How I Learned To Live After My Mother’s Death: Eternal heartbeats
How I Almost Got A Back-Alley Circumcision: My wacky sexual miseducation from a third-grade P.E. teacher
The Winner: Studying the Enneagram has given me self-awareness, transforming sport into spiritual practice
My Family’s Absolutely Amazing Irish Parties: How to keep up those traditions that make us feel alive
Truth Is Funner Than Fiction: Journaling provides a treasure trove of wild characters, scenes, and ideas that enrich the writer’s life
The Once-Reluctant Activist: I made a brave and consequential stand, but only because my friends pushed me
Jumping Out of an Airplane and Then the Closet: How two near-death experiences gave me the push I needed to finally come out
A Honeymoon and Farewell: My husband’s first visit to Ireland would be my parents’ last
A Chameleon Blends Into Alabama: Growing up gay, Irish, and liberal in the Heart of Dixie
A Eulogy for my Mother
My Mother’s Obituary
The Root of All Evil: How to spend a billion dollars without losing your soul
Cycles of Persecution: An encounter during a routine bloodletting forced me to confront a suddenly darker world
Gay and Famous, but That’s Far From All: It was the vulnerability and strength of its icons that made me finally fall in love with queer culture
A Reconciliation: We fought each other, and each felt we’d lost, but my mother’s persistence paid off for us both in the end
Joy in the Flow: Whitewater kayaking is not only my hobby, it is my passion, my spiritual practice
My Dark Summer of the Soul: A spiritual awakening in Hell’s Kitchen